By using a special half-mirror (patented), backside reflection is eliminated, allowing for quick and
accurate measurement without backside treatment.(Capable of measuring the reflectance of thin plates
down to 0.2 mm using a 20 x objective lens)
Measurements of lens curvature and coating unevenness are also possible. (Focuses a micro-spot of
φ50 um on the sample surface)
Highly reproducible measurements can be performed on low-reflection samples in a short time. (Our
unique optical design maximizes light intake, and with a 512-element linear PDA,16-bit A/D
converter, and USB 2.0 interface, enables high-speed computation for fast measurement)
Chromaticity and L*a*b* measurements are available. Object measurements are based on
spectro-colorimetry using spectral reflectance.
Data can be saved in Microsoft Excel® format.
Single-layer films can be measured non-contact and non-destructively.
Multiple measurement results can be displayed on the same screen, making result comparison easy.